JSA Member Profiles

M T Glaeser

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 083 255 2477

[email protected]

Society: April 1, 2017

Years: 24

C J Grobler

Designation: Junior

Status: Door Member

Group: Group 500, Schreiner Chambers

Contact: Phone: 010 300 0150 , Cell: 082 551 2046

[email protected]

Society: Aug. 2, 1976

Years: 47

I P Green SC


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 083 462 2536

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 2, 1996

Silk: Sept. 16, 2014

Years: 27

G W Girdwood SC


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 083 325 7455

[email protected]

Society: Nov. 30, 2002

Silk: Feb. 28, 2020

Years: 21

Johann R Gautschi SC


Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 535 0800 , Cell: 082 447 2627

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 1970

Silk: Aug. 20, 1987

Years: 53

L Grobler

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 082 325 5193

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 3, 2012

Years: 11

A R Gautschi SC

Status: Admitted in Botswana

Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 082 773 7361

[email protected]

Society: July 6, 1981

Silk: Nov. 21, 1996

Years: 42

I A Goodman

Designation: Junior


Group: Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street

Contact: Phone: 011 676 2660 , Cell: 083 303 4491

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2007

Years: 16

G D Goldman

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 083 289 2340

[email protected]

Society: July 3, 2003

Years: 20

A Govender

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 072 647 5920

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2007

Years: 16

Gauntlett QC
J J Gauntlett QC SC

Status: Dual Member

Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Cell: 082 413 9093

[email protected]

Society: April 1, 2000

Silk: Feb. 20, 1989

Seniority: Dec. 30, 1976

Years: 47

S J Grobler SC

Status: Door member

Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 324 0500 , Cell: 083 266 7557

[email protected]

Society: Nov. 28, 1994

Silk: May 7, 2002

Years: 29

P Ginsburg SC


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 082 552 6443

[email protected]

Society: April 14, 1975

Silk: July 25, 1990

Years: 48

H Gray

Designation: Junior


Group: The Island Group, The Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 291 8600 , Cell: 084 234 2223

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 2014

Years: 9

Default Profile
B M Gilbert

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 083 853 3082

[email protected]

Society: Nov. 23, 2006

Years: 17

S Georgiou

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 083 777 2559

[email protected]

Society: July 5, 1983

Years: 40

N J Graves SC


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 082 416 1437

[email protected]

Society: July 5, 1993

Silk: Nov. 26, 2009

Years: 30

Default Profile
E Gaisa

Designation: Junior

Status: Dual/Door member

Group: No Chambers

Contact: Cell: 084 916 6849

[email protected]

Society: Aug. 1, 2015

Years: 14

K N Green

Designation: Junior

Status: Door Member

Group: The Island Group, The Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 291 8600 , Cell: 083 407 6612

[email protected]

Society: Feb. 13, 1976

Years: 47

Default Profile
B E Gradidge

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 083 488 5280

[email protected]

Society: Sept. 3, 2015

Years: 30

Default Profile
C F Gordon

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 722 9000 , Cell: 083 996 0550

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2007

Years: 16

Default Profile
M Gwala SC

Status: Dual member

Group: Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 217 5000 , Cell: 073 872 5859

[email protected]

Society: Sept. 1, 2019

Silk: July 30, 2019

Seniority: May 29, 2006

Years: 17

C Gibson

Designation: Junior


Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 535 0800 , Cell: 084 231 4650

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 2015

Years: 8

Default Profile
D E Goosen

Designation: Junior


Group: Maisels Chambers 3

Contact: Phone: 011 217 5000 , Cell: 072 454 1101

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 10, 2020

Years: 3

Default Profile
L Gcabashe SC

Status: Door Member

Group: Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 217 5000 , Cell: 083 218 0387

[email protected]

Society: July 7, 1997

Silk: Dec. 13, 2015

Years: 26

Default Profile
D Gintner

Designation: Junior


Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 535 0800 , Cell: 061 674 1985

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2016

Years: 7

Default Profile
C Georgiades SC


Group: The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 263 8900 , Cell: 082 496 1763

[email protected]

Society: July 7, 1997

Silk: March 10, 2018

Years: 26

Default Profile
S J Gumbi

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 722 9000 , Cell: 086 585 8977

[email protected]

Society: April 1, 2022

Years: 1

Default Profile
C Grant

Designation: Junior


Group: The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 263 8900 , Cell: 071 686 2801

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2018

Years: 5

Default Profile
M Z Gwala

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 072 218 4497

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2018

Years: 5

Profile initials Advocate Chambers Designation Status Admitted Society Seniority Years Phone Number Cell Number Email Address
M T Glaeser Group One Advocates Junior 21/02/1995 01/04/2017 22/09/1999 011 290 4000 083 255 2477 [email protected]
C J Grobler Group 500, Schreiner Chambers Junior Door Member 11/02/1975 02/08/1976 010 300 0150 082 551 2046 [email protected]
I P Green Group 621, Rex Welsh House SC 20/08/1996 02/12/1996 011 263 9000 083 462 2536 [email protected]
G W Girdwood Group 621, Rex Welsh House SC 14/08/2002 30/11/2002 011 263 9000 083 325 7455 [email protected]
Johann R Gautschi Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers SC 04/02/1969 01/12/1970 011 535 0800 082 447 2627 [email protected]
L Grobler Group One Advocates Junior 01/03/2012 03/12/2012 011 290 4000 082 325 5193 [email protected]
A R Gautschi Group 621, Rex Welsh House SC Admitted in Botswana 13/03/1978 06/07/1981 011 263 9000 082 773 7361 [email protected]
I A Goodman Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street Junior 29/11/2006 05/12/2007 011 676 2660 083 303 4491 [email protected]
G D Goldman Group One Advocates Junior 27/03/2003 03/07/2003 011 290 4000 083 289 2340 [email protected]
A Govender Group One Advocates Junior 14/03/2007 05/12/2007 011 290 4000 072 647 5920 [email protected]
J J Gauntlett QC Group 621, Rex Welsh House SC Dual Member 09/10/1974 01/04/2000 30/12/1976 082 413 9093 [email protected]
S J Grobler Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers SC Door member 04/03/1986 28/11/1994 011 324 0500 083 266 7557 [email protected]
P Ginsburg Group One Advocates SC 03/02/1975 14/04/1975 011 290 4000 082 552 6443 [email protected]
H Gray The Island Group, The Chambers Junior 07/02/2014 01/12/2014 011 291 8600 084 234 2223 [email protected]
B M Gilbert Group 621, Rex Welsh House Junior 17/05/2006 23/11/2006 011 263 9000 083 853 3082 [email protected]
S Georgiou Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 03/03/1983 05/07/1983 011 895 9000 083 777 2559 [email protected]
N J Graves Group One Advocates SC 28/04/1993 05/07/1993 011 290 4000 082 416 1437 [email protected]
E Gaisa No Chambers Junior Dual/Door member 30/03/2006 01/08/2015 01/03/2009 084 916 6849 [email protected]
K N Green The Island Group, The Chambers Junior Door Member 25/11/1975 13/02/1976 011 291 8600 083 407 6612 [email protected]
B E Gradidge Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 28/04/1992 03/09/2015 21/05/1993 011 895 9000 083 488 5280 [email protected]
C F Gordon Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place Junior 06/06/2007 05/12/2007 011 722 9000 083 996 0550 [email protected]
M Gwala Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place SC Dual member 29/05/2006 01/09/2019 29/05/2006 011 217 5000 073 872 5859 [email protected]
C Gibson Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers Junior 16/04/2015 01/12/2015 011 535 0800 084 231 4650 [email protected]
D E Goosen Maisels Chambers 3 Junior 25/08/2020 10/12/2020 011 217 5000 072 454 1101 [email protected]
L Gcabashe Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place SC Door Member 02/04/1997 07/07/1997 011 217 5000 083 218 0387 [email protected]
D Gintner Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers Junior 26/05/2016 05/12/2016 011 535 0800 061 674 1985 [email protected]
C Georgiades The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers SC 12/03/1997 07/07/1997 011 263 8900 082 496 1763 [email protected]
S J Gumbi Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place Junior 17/03/2022 01/04/2022 011 722 9000 086 585 8977 [email protected]
C Grant The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers Junior 19/04/2018 05/12/2018 011 263 8900 071 686 2801 [email protected]
M Z Gwala Group 621, Rex Welsh House Junior 21/06/2018 05/12/2018 011 263 9000 072 218 4497 [email protected]