JSA Member Profiles

M T Ohannessian SC


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 082 829 8160

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 3, 1990

Silk: May 17, 2016

Years: 33

L N Harris SC


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 072 111 9484

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 2, 1991

Silk: Jan. 22, 2008

Years: 32

B A Fourie SC


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 082 413 6641

[email protected]

Society: July 5, 1982

Silk: Nov. 7, 2003

Years: 41

T N Ngcukaitobi SC


Group: Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 282 3700 ,

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 6, 2010

Silk: Feb. 28, 2020

Years: 13

L M Malan SC

Status: Admitted in England, Wales & Lesotho

Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 082 670 4935

[email protected]

Society: July 3, 2003

Silk: Feb. 28, 2020

Years: 20

Van der Walt
T Van der Walt SC


Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 324 0500 , Cell: 083 252 9279

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 1995

Silk: March 10, 2018

Years: 28

M Sello SC


Group: Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 282 3700 , Cell: 083 414 4428

[email protected]

Society: July 3, 2003

Silk: Feb. 28, 2020

Years: 20

N J Graves SC


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 082 416 1437

[email protected]

Society: July 5, 1993

Silk: Nov. 26, 2009

Years: 30

I J Zidel SC

Status: Admitted in Botswana

Group: Maisels Chambers 3

Contact: Phone: 011 535 1800 , Cell: 083 271 0456

[email protected]/[email protected]

Society: Dec. 7, 1982

Silk: Nov. 7, 2003

Years: 41

W B Pye SC


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 082 416 1000

[email protected]

Society: July 6, 1994

Silk: May 5, 2021

Years: 29

M A Chohan SC


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 083 326 5513

[email protected]

Society: July 7, 1997

Silk: Sept. 8, 2014

Years: 26

P Lazarus SC


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 083 282 7615

[email protected]

Society: July 7, 1997

Silk: Sept. 16, 2014

Years: 26

C E Watt-Pringle SC


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 082 450 7557

[email protected]

Society: July 6, 1987

Silk: Oct. 31, 2002

Years: 36

Le Roux
M M Le Roux SC


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 079 527 4258

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2007

Silk: May 5, 2021

Years: 16

Default Profile
L J Van Tonder SC

Status: Door member

Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 535 0800 , Cell: 082 458 8888

[email protected]

Society: June 29, 1992

Silk: Sept. 8, 2014

Years: 31

T F Mathibedi SC


Group: Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 722 9000 , Cell: 082 416 9752

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 2, 1991

Silk: Sept. 5, 2011

Years: 32

N P G Redman SC


Group: Maisels Chambers 3

Contact: Phone: 011 535 1800 , Cell: 083 600 9768

[email protected]

Society: July 5, 1993

Silk: Sept. 16, 2014

Years: 30

Van der Nest
M du P Van der Nest SC


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 083 327 3348

[email protected]

Society: June 30, 1986

Silk: Nov. 17, 2000

Years: 37

A L Platt SC


Group: Pitje Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 223 8000 , Cell: 082 579 7034

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 2, 2002

Silk: May 17, 2016

Years: 21

Du Plessis
D T v R Du Plessis SC


Group: The Rivonia Group of Advocates

Contact: Phone: 010 020 6100 , Cell: 082 552 1513

[email protected]

Society: July 2, 1990

Silk: Oct. 1, 2010

Years: 33

Van der Walt
N Van der Walt SC


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 082 855 9629

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 29, 1980

Silk: Nov. 17, 2000

Years: 43

J P Coetzee SC

Status: Door member

Group: The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 263 8900 , Cell: 082 449 9549

[email protected]

Society: July 20, 1984

Silk: Nov. 17, 2000

Years: 39

B L Makola SC


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Phone: 011 263 9000 , Cell: 082 498 6227

[email protected]

Society: Nov. 27, 2006

Silk: Feb. 28, 2020

Years: 17

C W Jordaan SC

Status: Admitted in Botswana and Zimbabwe. Associate member

Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Cell: 082 416 4914

[email protected]

Society: April 2, 1984

Silk: Sept. 22, 1994

Years: 39

D F Dorfling SC


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 082 894 6805

[email protected]

Society: Feb. 1, 1994

Silk: Oct. 1, 2010

Years: 29

M Chaskalson SC


Group: Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street

Contact: Phone: 011 676 2660 , Cell: 084 400 1448

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 1994

Silk: Nov. 26, 2009

Years: 29

A Hassim SC


Group: Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 217 5000 , Cell: 083 264 8394

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 15, 2004

Silk: May 5, 2021

Years: 19

K J Trisk SC

Status: Door member

Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 535 0800 , Cell: 082 903 3626

[email protected]

Society: July 1, 1991

Silk: Nov. 26, 2009

Years: 32

Van der Merwe
C F Van der Merwe SC


Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 324 0500 , Cell: 082 453 6098

[email protected]

Society: July 8, 1997

Silk: May 17, 2016

Years: 26

A P Joubert SC


Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 324 0500 , Cell: 082 458 8896

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 15, 1980

Silk: Sept. 22, 1993

Years: 43

Profile initials Advocate Chambers Designation Status Admitted Society Seniority Years Phone Number Cell Number Email Address
M T Ohannessian Group 21, Village Chambers SC 18/09/1990 03/12/1990 011 895 9000 082 829 8160 [email protected]
L N Harris Group 621, Rex Welsh House SC 20/08/1991 02/12/1991 011 263 9000 072 111 9484 [email protected]
B A Fourie Group 21, Village Chambers SC 26/02/1982 05/07/1982 011 895 9000 082 413 6641 [email protected]
T N Ngcukaitobi Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers SC 11/08/2010 06/12/2010 011 282 3700 [email protected]
L M Malan Group One Advocates SC Admitted in England, Wales & Lesotho 02/12/2002 03/07/2003 011 290 4000 082 670 4935 [email protected]
T Van der Walt Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers SC 29/08/1995 04/12/1995 011 324 0500 083 252 9279 [email protected]
M Sello Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers SC 26/02/2003 03/07/2003 011 282 3700 083 414 4428 [email protected]
N J Graves Group One Advocates SC 28/04/1993 05/07/1993 011 290 4000 082 416 1437 [email protected]
I J Zidel Maisels Chambers 3 SC Admitted in Botswana 14/09/1982 07/12/1982 011 535 1800 083 271 0456 [email protected]/[email protected]
W B Pye Group One Advocates SC 20/04/1994 06/07/1994 011 290 4000 082 416 1000 [email protected]
M A Chohan Group One Advocates SC 26/03/1997 07/07/1997 011 290 4000 083 326 5513 [email protected]
P Lazarus Group One Advocates SC 08/08/1996 07/07/1997 011 290 4000 083 282 7615 [email protected]
C E Watt-Pringle Group 621, Rex Welsh House SC 17/02/1987 06/07/1987 011 263 9000 082 450 7557 [email protected]
M M Le Roux Group 621, Rex Welsh House SC 27/07/2007 05/12/2007 011 263 9000 079 527 4258 [email protected]
L J Van Tonder Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers SC Door member 12/07/1988 29/06/1992 011 535 0800 082 458 8888 [email protected]
T F Mathibedi Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place SC 04/09/1990 02/12/1991 011 722 9000 082 416 9752 [email protected]
N P G Redman Maisels Chambers 3 SC 31/03/1993 05/07/1993 011 535 1800 083 600 9768 [email protected]
M du P Van der Nest Group 621, Rex Welsh House SC 04/02/1986 30/06/1986 011 263 9000 083 327 3348 [email protected]
A L Platt Pitje Chambers SC 08/02/2002 02/12/2002 011 223 8000 082 579 7034 [email protected]
D T v R Du Plessis The Rivonia Group of Advocates SC 10/04/1990 02/07/1990 010 020 6100 082 552 1513 [email protected]
N Van der Walt Group 21, Village Chambers SC 23/09/1980 29/12/1980 011 895 9000 082 855 9629 [email protected]
J P Coetzee The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers SC Door member 22/05/1984 20/07/1984 011 263 8900 082 449 9549 [email protected]
B L Makola Group 621, Rex Welsh House SC 10/05/2006 27/11/2006 011 263 9000 082 498 6227 [email protected]
C W Jordaan Group 21, Village Chambers SC Admitted in Botswana and Zimbabwe. Associate member 20/03/1984 02/04/1984 082 416 4914 [email protected]
D F Dorfling Group 21, Village Chambers SC 03/02/1987 01/02/1994 011 895 9000 082 894 6805 [email protected]
M Chaskalson Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street SC 23/06/1993 05/12/1994 011 676 2660 084 400 1448 [email protected]
A Hassim Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place SC 12/03/2003 15/12/2004 011 217 5000 083 264 8394 [email protected]
K J Trisk Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers SC Door member 16/04/1991 01/07/1991 011 535 0800 082 903 3626 [email protected]
C F Van der Merwe Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers SC 15/04/1997 08/07/1997 011 324 0500 082 453 6098 [email protected]
A P Joubert Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers SC 15/05/1979 15/12/1980 011 324 0500 082 458 8896 [email protected]