JSA Member Profiles

Default Profile
O K Chwaro

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 722 9000 , Cell: 083 288 9185

[email protected]

Society: Oct. 1, 2016

Years: 16

Default Profile
K C Chokoe

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 082 223 6928

[email protected]

Society: May 17, 2024

Years: 0

Default Profile
M U Coovadia

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 071 362 6709

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 14, 2021

Years: 2

Default Profile
Z Cornelissen

Designation: Junior


Group: Maisels Chambers 3

Contact: Phone: 011 535 1800 , Cell: 074 756 7986

[email protected]

Society: Oct. 1, 2020

Years: 12

Default Profile
T Charlie

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 083 293 8202

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2018

Years: 5

Default Profile
A C Comuzio

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 084 711 1112

[email protected]

Society: Feb. 16, 2009

Years: 14

D J Coetzee

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 071 599 0658

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 2013

Years: 10

Default Profile
I K R Chaba

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 082 594 7781

[email protected]

Society: April 19, 2024

Years: 0

Default Profile
T Chavalala

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 072 279 4792

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2018

Years: 5

Default Profile
M J Cooke

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 083 415 8710

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 2015

Years: 8

Default Profile
N C Cheethai

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 076 211 3196

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 2019

Years: 4

Default Profile
J W G Campbell SC


Group: The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 263 8900 , Cell: 082 446 5010

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 1989

Silk: Oct. 18, 2005

Years: 34

Default Profile
A Chowan

Designation: Junior


Group: Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 282 3700 , Cell: 083 310 1389

[email protected]

Society: May 13, 2021

Years: 2

Default Profile
M D Cochrane SC

Status: Admitted in Australia

Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 535 0800 , Cell: 083 442 5592

[email protected]

Society: Nov. 30, 1998

Silk: July 30, 2019

Years: 25

Default Profile
R G Cohen

Designation: Junior

Status: Door Member

Group: Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 722 9000 , Cell: 083 251 0725

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 1983

Years: 40

Default Profile
M F B Clark

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 072 560 1727

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 2017

Years: 6

Default Profile
A Chetty

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 076 697 6715

[email protected]

Society: Jan. 19, 2024

Years: 1

Default Profile
C Cooper

Designation: Junior

Status: Leave of Absence

Group: No Chambers

Contact: Phone: 0 , Cell: 083 266 2370

[email protected]

Society: Nov. 24, 2006

Years: 6

Default Profile
A N Cooke (Steenekamp)

Designation: Junior

Status: Door Member

Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 071 352 1065

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 2015

Years: 8

P Cirone

Designation: Junior

Status: Admitted in Lesotho

Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 082 375 0958

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 8, 2008

Years: 15

Default Profile
L Choate

Designation: Junior

Status: Dual Member

Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 071 862 9851

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 2014

Years: 9

Default Profile
I S Cloete

Designation: Junior


Group: Group One Advocates

Contact: Phone: 011 290 4000 , Cell: 083 317 4228

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 10, 2018

Years: 5

Default Profile
A Cachalia

Designation: Junior


Group: Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street

Contact: Phone: 011 676 2660 , Cell: 079 144 1551

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 10, 2020

Years: 3

Default Profile
R M Courtenay

Designation: Junior


Group: The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 263 8900 , Cell: 076 158 5712

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 2014

Years: 9

Profile initials Advocate Chambers Designation Status Admitted Society Seniority Years Phone Number Cell Number Email Address
O K Chwaro Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place Junior 03/03/1999 01/10/2016 01/06/2007 011 722 9000 083 288 9185 [email protected]
K C Chokoe Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 03/05/2024 17/05/2024 011 895 9000 082 223 6928 [email protected]
M U Coovadia Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 11/02/2021 14/12/2021 011 895 9000 071 362 6709 [email protected]
Z Cornelissen Maisels Chambers 3 Junior 01/04/2011 01/10/2020 09/12/2011 011 535 1800 074 756 7986 [email protected]
T Charlie Group One Advocates Junior 16/04/2018 05/12/2018 011 290 4000 083 293 8202 [email protected]
A C Comuzio Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 29/07/2006 16/02/2009 011 895 9000 084 711 1112 [email protected]
D J Coetzee Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 11/04/2013 04/12/2013 011 895 9000 071 599 0658 [email protected]
I K R Chaba Group One Advocates Junior 03/04/2024 19/04/2024 011 290 4000 082 594 7781 [email protected]
T Chavalala Group One Advocates Junior 19/03/2018 05/12/2018 011 290 4000 072 279 4792 [email protected]
M J Cooke Group One Advocates Junior 16/04/2015 01/12/2015 011 290 4000 083 415 8710 [email protected]
N C Cheethai Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 30/05/2019 04/12/2019 011 895 9000 076 211 3196 [email protected]
J W G Campbell The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers SC 18/09/1989 04/12/1989 011 263 8900 082 446 5010 [email protected]
A Chowan Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers Junior 18/03/2021 13/05/2021 011 282 3700 083 310 1389 [email protected]
M D Cochrane Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers SC Admitted in Australia 12/08/1998 30/11/1998 011 535 0800 083 442 5592 [email protected]
R G Cohen Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place Junior Door Member 29/03/1983 05/12/1983 011 722 9000 083 251 0725 [email protected]
M F B Clark Group One Advocates Junior 08/06/2017 04/12/2017 011 290 4000 072 560 1727 [email protected]
A Chetty Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 07/07/2023 19/01/2024 011 895 9000 076 697 6715 [email protected]
C Cooper No Chambers Junior Leave of Absence 24/11/1999 24/11/2006 0 083 266 2370 [email protected]
A N Cooke (Steenekamp) Group One Advocates Junior Door Member 23/04/2015 01/12/2015 011 290 4000 071 352 1065 [email protected]
P Cirone Group 21, Village Chambers Junior Admitted in Lesotho 04/06/2008 08/12/2008 011 895 9000 082 375 0958 [email protected]
L Choate Group One Advocates Junior Dual Member 08/05/2014 01/12/2014 011 290 4000 071 862 9851 [email protected]
I S Cloete Group One Advocates Junior 10/05/2018 10/12/2018 011 290 4000 083 317 4228 [email protected]
A Cachalia Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street Junior 17/11/2020 10/12/2020 011 676 2660 079 144 1551 [email protected]
R M Courtenay The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers Junior 08/05/2014 01/12/2014 011 263 8900 076 158 5712 [email protected]