JSA Member Profiles

Default Profile
M G Makhoebe

Designation: Junior


Group: Maisels Chambers 3

Contact: Phone: 011 535 1800 , Cell: 081 043 3517

[email protected]

Society: Jan. 20, 2020

Years: 3

Default Profile
C I Mokwena

Designation: Junior


Group: Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 217 5000 , Cell: 079 754 1225

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 8, 2017

Years: 6

Default Profile
T A Mokadikoa

Designation: Junior

Status: Dual Member

Group: No Chambers

Contact: Cell: 076 196 6598

[email protected]

Society: April 1, 2019

Years: 4

Default Profile
D Mutemwa-Tumbo

Designation: Junior


Group: Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 217 5000 , Cell: 060 532 4035

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 14, 2023

Years: 1

Default Profile
L S Mbatha

Designation: Junior


Group: The Protea Group, The Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 775 5800 , Cell: 084 025 6042

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 2017

Years: 6

Default Profile
G V Meijers

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 722 9000 , Cell: 082 721 7886

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 2008

Years: 19

Default Profile
H M Mbatha

Designation: Junior


Group: Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 282 3700 , Cell: 082 422 4086

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 2017

Years: 6

Default Profile
L G M Minne

Designation: Junior


Group: Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street

Contact: Phone: 011 676 2660 , Cell: 079 513 9423

[email protected]

Society: April 5, 2023

Years: 0

Default Profile
N Mahlangu

Designation: Junior


Group: Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street

Contact: Phone: 011 676 2660 , Cell: 079 467 2497

[email protected]

Society: Feb. 17, 2023

Years: 0

Default Profile
M Q Matome

Designation: Junior


Group: Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 535 0800 , Cell: 067 111 9200

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 2019

Years: 4

Default Profile
N P Mncube

Designation: Junior


Group: The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 263 8900 , Cell: 079 997 7257

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 2017

Years: 6

Default Profile
K D Maphwanya

Designation: Junior


Group: Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 282 3700 , Cell: 076 592 6787

[email protected]

Society: Feb. 2, 2016

Years: 7

Default Profile
O S Mphofu

Designation: Junior

Status: Leave of Absence

Group: No Chambers

Contact: Cell: 0824656389

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2018

Years: 5

Default Profile
M C Makhajane

Designation: Junior


Group: Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place

Contact: Phone: 011 217 5000 , Cell: 083 212 4081

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2018

Years: 5

Default Profile
G R Musi

Designation: Junior


Group: No Chambers

Contact: Cell: 072 447 0794

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 14, 2023

Years: 1

Default Profile
L Mgwetyana

Designation: Junior


Group: Bram Fischer Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 033 6900 , Cell: 072 386 1639

[email protected]

Society: Sept. 1, 2019

Years: 10

Default Profile
M K Mathipa

Designation: Junior


Group: Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 282 3700 , Cell: 072 772 2730

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 7, 2009

Years: 14

Default Profile
B B Mkhize

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 621, Rex Welsh House

Contact: Cell: 0716728736

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2018

Years: 5

Default Profile
S N Malibe

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 072 394 1970

[email protected]

Society: May 17, 2024

Years: 0

Default Profile
J K Maxwell

Designation: Junior


Group: The Rivonia Group of Advocates

Contact: Phone: 010 020 6100 , Cell: 082 932 7526

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 10, 2020

Years: 3

Default Profile
T Mapaila

Designation: Junior


Group: No Chambers

Contact: Cell: 079 040 0507

[email protected]

Society: March 19, 2024

Years: 1

Default Profile
S Meyer

Designation: Junior


Group: The Rivonia Group of Advocates

Contact: Phone: 010 020 6100 , Cell: 083 228 2253

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 4, 2019

Years: 4

Default Profile
J D Mabelane

Designation: Junior


Group: Maisels Chambers 3

Contact: Phone: 011 535 1800 , Cell: 072 863 8469

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 15, 2022

Years: 1

Default Profile
D Marais

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 083 266 7461

[email protected]

Society: July 1, 2019

Years: 18

Default Profile
S Mathabathe

Designation: Junior

Status: Dual Member

Group: Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 282 3700 , Cell: 079 966 3756

[email protected]

Society: March 1, 2022

Years: 9

Default Profile
A MacManus

Designation: Junior

Status: Door member

Group: Maisels Chambers 3

Contact: Phone: 011 535 1800 , Cell: 082 452 4016

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 2015

Years: 28

Default Profile
M L Mashele

Designation: Junior


Group: Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 282 3700 , Cell: 083 533 2090

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2016

Years: 7

Default Profile
L Mulaudzi

Designation: Junior


Group: No Chambers

Contact: Cell: 065 951 2262

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 10, 2020

Years: 3

T M Mabuza

Designation: Junior

Status: Dual Member

Group: Bram Fischer Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 033 6900 , Cell: 083 964 4931

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 5, 2018

Years: 5

Default Profile
J M V Malema

Designation: Junior


Group: Group 21, Village Chambers

Contact: Phone: 011 895 9000 , Cell: 078 685 9636 / 082 590 5934

[email protected]

Society: Dec. 1, 2015

Years: 14

Profile initials Advocate Chambers Designation Status Admitted Society Seniority Years Phone Number Cell Number Email Address
M G Makhoebe Maisels Chambers 3 Junior 03/10/2013 20/01/2020 011 535 1800 081 043 3517 [email protected]
C I Mokwena Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place Junior 31/07/2017 08/12/2017 011 217 5000 079 754 1225 [email protected]
T A Mokadikoa No Chambers Junior Dual Member 14/04/2014 01/04/2019 076 196 6598 [email protected]
D Mutemwa-Tumbo Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place Junior 21/08/2023 14/12/2023 011 217 5000 060 532 4035 [email protected]
L S Mbatha The Protea Group, The Chambers Junior 08/06/2017 04/12/2017 011 775 5800 084 025 6042 [email protected]
G V Meijers Group 16, SALA House, 2 Protea Place Junior 01/04/2004 01/12/2008 15/01/2004 011 722 9000 082 721 7886 [email protected]
H M Mbatha Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers Junior 02/09/1997 04/12/2017 011 282 3700 082 422 4086 [email protected]
L G M Minne Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street Junior 13/10/2022 05/04/2023 011 676 2660 079 513 9423 [email protected]
N Mahlangu Victoria Mxenge Group, 82 Maude Street Junior 30/01/2023 17/02/2023 011 676 2660 079 467 2497 [email protected]
M Q Matome Maisels Group, Maisels Chambers Junior 30/05/2019 04/12/2019 011 535 0800 067 111 9200 [email protected]
N P Mncube The Bridge Group of Advocates, Sandown Chambers Junior 23/03/2017 04/12/2017 011 263 8900 079 997 7257 [email protected]
K D Maphwanya Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers Junior 05/03/2015 02/02/2016 011 282 3700 076 592 6787 [email protected]
O S Mphofu No Chambers Junior Leave of Absence 05/11/2013 05/12/2018 0824656389 [email protected]
M C Makhajane Thulamela Chambers, 1A Protea Place Junior 17/08/2017 05/12/2018 011 217 5000 083 212 4081 [email protected]
G R Musi No Chambers Junior 26/09/2023 14/12/2023 072 447 0794 [email protected]
L Mgwetyana Bram Fischer Chambers Junior 20/05/2013 01/09/2019 20/05/2013 011 033 6900 072 386 1639 [email protected]
M K Mathipa Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers Junior 28/02/1995 07/12/2009 011 282 3700 072 772 2730 [email protected]
B B Mkhize Group 621, Rex Welsh House Junior 15/03/2018 05/12/2018 0716728736 [email protected]
S N Malibe Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 03/05/2024 17/05/2024 011 895 9000 072 394 1970 [email protected]
J K Maxwell The Rivonia Group of Advocates Junior 25/08/2020 10/12/2020 010 020 6100 082 932 7526 [email protected]
T Mapaila No Chambers Junior 07/11/2023 19/03/2024 079 040 0507 [email protected]
S Meyer The Rivonia Group of Advocates Junior 12/11/2019 04/12/2019 010 020 6100 083 228 2253 [email protected]
J D Mabelane Maisels Chambers 3 Junior 10/08/2022 15/12/2022 011 535 1800 072 863 8469 [email protected]
D Marais Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 17/04/1996 01/07/2019 01/03/2005 011 895 9000 083 266 7461 [email protected]
S Mathabathe Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers Junior Dual Member 03/08/2007 01/03/2022 19/08/2014 011 282 3700 079 966 3756 [email protected]
A MacManus Maisels Chambers 3 Junior Door member 26/04/1995 01/12/2015 03/07/1995 011 535 1800 082 452 4016 [email protected]
M L Mashele Duma Nokwe Group, Fountain Chambers Junior 04/12/2008 05/12/2016 011 282 3700 083 533 2090 [email protected]
L Mulaudzi No Chambers Junior 13/08/2020 10/12/2020 065 951 2262 [email protected]
T M Mabuza Bram Fischer Chambers Junior Dual Member 10/10/2013 05/12/2018 011 033 6900 083 964 4931 [email protected]
J M V Malema Group 21, Village Chambers Junior 09/12/1999 01/12/2015 16/05/2009 011 895 9000 078 685 9636 / 082 590 5934 [email protected]